Alternative logistic solutions

Our company provides a whole range of alternative logistic solutions in the area of classic transport (rail, road, maritime and all combinations) as well as transport organization for special consignments and consolidation of consignments.


Geograpic region

We offer our services in Europe (road transport and rail transport), in Mediterranean and in Near and Far East (maritime transport).

Primary activities

Rail transport, road transport, maritime transport, combined transport, transport for consolidation of consignments, transport of special consignments.

Our values

Our activities are a result of team work, flexibility, updating and servicing of our current customers as well as offer of interesting logistic solutions to our future customers.

Maritime transport

We are developing the maritime transport with our division in Koper. Most logistic services are carried out in the 10th corridor, Mediterranean, Near and Far East.

alternativne logistične rešitve

We offer our current and future customers

cheaper alternative logistic solutions

in the area of classic transport.

T.T. Cargo is a FIATA member.

Write us.

Please share with us your company name, contact person, transport options (rail, marine, road), route, goods, packaging, goods weight + volume and date of delivery.